Spotify hasn't specified when the ability to turn off personal recommendations will be available or if the trial is limited to specific regions.News 

Say Goodbye To Personalised Playlists: Try Spotify’s New Option!

Music streaming platform Spotify is testing a new feature that allows users to turn off their personal recommendations. This means that songs played by other people using your account will not affect your own music suggestions.

According to a MacRumors report, the new option could allow users to prevent songs played on behalf of other listeners on their account from influencing their personal recommendations.

The step will probably be welcomed by Spotify users who are not completely satisfied with the success rate of the service’s algorithms in matching new songs to their listening tastes.

According to MacRumors, Spotify’s recommendation system combines several machine learning and artificial intelligence-based methods. The service’s algorithm analyzes listening history, favorite genres and time of day when users listen to music, and bases its personalized recommendations on these parameters.

This process is combined with content-based filtering, which analyzes the audio of the song the user is interacting with and considers characteristics such as time signature, key, and tempo to recommend new songs with similar characteristics.

Spotify’s recommendation system is based on collaboration and suggests songs based on similar users.

“However, this can lead to popular songs being recommended more often, creating an ‘echo chamber’ effect. For new users with no listening history, this approach may not be very useful,” MacRumors reported.

Spotify has not specified when turning off personal recommendations will be available or if the trial is limited to certain regions.

The platform mentions that it is “evaluating the feature” and expresses its gratitude to users for trying it out to improve the Spotify experience.

According to related news, the number of Spotify’s paid subscribers increased by 16 percent in the third quarter (Q3) compared to the corresponding period of the previous year and was a total of 226 million, according to the company’s recent announcement.

According to the company, the net increase of 6 million paid users was 2 million ahead of guidance.

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